Professional & Affiliation Discounts
HMG Direct offers a range of professional and affiliation discounts for Exercise Physiologists, Physiotherapists, Dietitians, Nutritionists, Personal Trainers and University/TAFE Students. Please see information below.
University & TAFE Students: Students who are currently studying Exercise Science; Physiotherapy; Nursing; Personal Training and ISAK Anthropometry Courses can choose from our discounted and tailored kits:

ESSA Members: ESSA members receive a range of discounts on our products. Please email us with what products you are after and we can send you your discounted pricing and ESSA Discount code.

ISAK Anthropometry Courses: We provide tailored and discounted ISAK Anthropometry Kits for students undertaking the accredited anthropometry courses run by universities and training organisations. ISAK is The International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry. ISAK Anthropometry Kits can be found via this link:

FIT College: Fit College Students and Graduates receive a discount on all products they purchase using a unique discount code. We also have Tailored Fitness Certificate Practical Kits set up for purchasing as per link: Please email us for your unique FIT College Discount code.