Technical Specifications
KFORCE Force Plate
Stance Evaluation
- Bipodal stance (Center of pressure analysis).
- Tips/heels distribution (Tip/heel of the feet distribution for bipodal stance)
- Tip/heel distribution (Unipodal stance analysis)
Dynamic Evaluation
- Squats analysis (Assessment of the left/right distribution according to the force’s intensity on squats).
- Pushups Analysis (Assessment of the left/right distribution according to the force’s intensity on pushups).
- Jump Analysis (Assessment of the forces’ generation by the way of the different parameters of the Jump’s impulsion).
- Bipodal proprioception (Unstable cushion biofeedback training).
- Unipodal proprioception (Unstable cushion biofeedback unipodal training).
- Shoulder proprioception (Shoulder proprioception on an unstable cushion).
- Belt straps & Plates (Reduced weight training by means of belt straps).
KFORCE Muscle Controller
Upper Limbs
- Internal rotator cuff (Evaluation of the Isometric Strength of the internal rotator cuff. The Muscle Controller will give you reports of the strength imbalances in a very efficient way).
- Autonomous exercising (Isometric muscle strengthens in autonomy thanks to a versatile design both adjustable for the physiotherapist and the patient).
- Biceps (Evaluation of the isometric strength of the biceps on an elbow flexion at 90°).
Lower Limbs
- Hamstrings (Evaluation of the isometric strength of the hamstrings at a specific range of motion. Muscle Controller is the ideal connected sensor to quantify the imbalance regarding to the side left/right and to the antagonist muscle groups).
- Adductors (Evaluation of the isometric strength of the adductors. Muscle Controller is the ideal connected sensor to quantify the strength and to quickly compare to the antagonist muscle groups).
- Nordic hamstrings test (Evaluation of the eccentric strength of the hamstrings in bilateral performing a nordic hamstring test by the way of two Muscle Controllers and two nordic accessories attached on a barbell).
KFORCE Sens Movement Sensor
Upper Limbs
- Shoulder abduction (Assessment of the active range of motion for a shoulder abduction).
- Elbow flexion (Assessment of the active range of motion for an elbow flexion).
- Shoulder antepulsion (Assessment of the active range of motion for a shoulder antepulsion).
Lower Limbs
- Squat (Assessment of the active range of motion for a squat movement).
- Knee extension (Assessment of the active range of motion for a knee extension).
- Knee flexion (Assessment of the active range of motion for a knee flexion).
KFORCE Grip Hand Grip Dynamometer
- Grip strength (Assessment of the grip strength done with the elbow at a 90° angle).
KFORCE Link Pull Strength Dynamometer
Upper Limbs
- Maximal isometric strength (Measurement of the external rotator strength with a rigid strap fixed on the wall bars).
- Repetitions counting (Triceps work with the rubber band attached on the wall bars.
Lower Limbs
- Maximal isometric strength (Measurement of the quadriceps strength with the rigid strap attached on the physiotherapist’s table).
- Repetitions counting (Hamstrings work with the rubber band attached on the wall bars).
KFORCE Bubble Pneumatic Dynamometer
- Grip measurement (Grip measurement by the way of the air grip plugged on the Bubble).
- Chest strength measurement (Chest strength measurement with the touch ball plugged on the Bubble).
- Neck extension measurement (Neck extension measurement by the way of the air grip plugged on the Bubble).
- Quadriceps strength measurement (Quadriceps strength measurement on a knee extension using the pull ring plugged on the Bubble).
Technical Specifications
Technical Characteristics of KFORCE Plates
- Minimum requirements Android 5.0+ and iOS 10.0+, Bluetooth Low Energy
- Weight 1600 grams
- Dimensions (L x W x H) 330 x 175 x 30 mm / Plate
- Wireless range Up to 20 meters
- Max force 300 kgs for each plate, 600 kgs for both
- Battery 12h00 of autonomy, 6h00 charging /Plate
- Precision 500 grams
- Acquisition frequency Up to 75 Hz
- Wireless transmission Frequency 2.4 GHz band (Bluetooth Low Energy)
Technical Characteristics of KFORCE Muscle Controller
- Minimum Requirements Android 5.0+ and iOS 10.0+, Bluetooth Low Energy
- Weight 300 grams
- Dimensions (H x W x D) 60 x 140 x 80 mm
- Wireless Range Up to 20 meters
- Max Force 90 kgs
- Battery 5h00 of autonomy, 2h00 for charging
- Precision 100 grams
- Acquisition frequency 75 Hz
- Wireless transmission Frequency 2.4 GHz band (Bluetooth Low Energy)
Technical Characteristics of KFORCE Sens Goniometer
- Minimum requirements Android 5.0+ and iOS 10.0+, Bluetooth Low Energy
- Weight 40 grams
- Dimensions (H x W x D) 15 x 56 x 35 mm
- Wireless range Up to 10 meters
- Sensitivity 5°
- Accuracy 3°
- Battery 5h00 of autonomy, 2h00 for charging
- Wireless transmission frequency 2.4 GHz band (Bluetooth Low Energy)
Technical Characteristics of KFORCE Bubble Pneumatic Dynamometer
- Minimum requirements Android 5.0+ and iOS 10.0+, Bluetooth Low Energy
- Weight 100 grams
- Dimensions (H x W x D) 25 x 58 x 56 mm
- Wireless range Up to 20 meters
- Maximum force 90 Kg
- Precision 500 grams
- Acquisition frequency 75 Hz
- Battery 5h00 of autonomy, 2h00 for charging
- Wireless transmission frequency 2.4 GHz band (Bluetooth Low Energy)
Technical Characteristics of KFORCE Link Pull Force Gauge
- Exigences requises Android 5.0+ & iOS 10.0+, Bluetooth Low Energy
- Weight 600 gramms
- Dimensions (H x W x D) 154 x 68 x 55 mm
- Wireless Range Up to 10 meters
- Max Force 300 Kg
- Battery 12h00 of autonomy, 6h00 charging
- Precision 100 grams
- Acquisition frequency 75 Hz
- Wireless transmission frequency 2.4 GHz band (Bluetooth Low Energy)
Technical Characteristics of KFORCE Grip Hand Strength Dynamometer
- Minimum Requirements Android 5.0+ and iOS 10.0+, Bluetooth Low Energy
- Weight 200 grams
- Dimensions (H x W x D) 141 x 47 x 61 mm
- Wireless Range Up to 20 meters
- Max Force 90 kgs
- Battery 5h00 of autonomy, 2h00 for charging
- Precision 100 grams
- Acquisition frequency 75 Hz
- Wireless transmission Frequency 2.4 GHz band (Bluetooth Low Energy)

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